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Live with the beautiful maasai people in a traditional clayhouse and support a childs education through what you pay to stay! There are three bedrooms (max 8 people), one combined living room/kitchen, and a simple shower and toilet in a separate building. The house has limited electricity and water will be collected in the river. A local will prepare all your meals (included in the price), and you'll be free to take part in any maasai activity. Feel at home, hakuna matata!
You don't really visit the house, you rent it. While you're there, you live there, it's your house and it's the maasai's house and in this safe environment of home you can exchange stories, smiles and get to know eachother and eachothers cultures. We're all just people, and we all have something to learn from eachother.
The goal of this guesthouse is to create an income for the village, both to have a backup in case of drought (where many loose their cows and thus their savings) and to send kids to school to make a solid foundation to cope with the all too long list of challenges they face as a culture (drought, lack of land, overpopulation, pollution....).
The money you pay will thus be spent like this:
Pay a cook, housemaid and manager (all from the village)
Buy food and water for you
Buy food for the village for hard times
Pay school fees.
While we aim to help all the families who can't afford to send their kids to secondary school, we will focus on girl's education, as maasai women are supressed and have very few oportunities in life. Read more about this issue here
Every dime you spend on this experience goes directly into the community.
The house was financed through donations and through income from my webshop that you can find here. We built it together, in a wonderful chaos of mud, cowdung, kids and laughter! Olonyori maasai house is like a second home to me, and also for the villagers when there are no guest.
Book this extraordinary house today!