In Kenya school is costly. School fees, uniforms, meals, equipment.. These are expenses many Maasai families cannot afford, and thus a large percentage of their children never get to go to school. These children spend their days at home, helping out with house chores while watching other kids head of in groups to grow and learn. In school you’ll learn about your rights. As a minority, as a girl in a conservative culture where your gender decides your future. The education itself is transforming, and so is the social and safe learning environment, and knowing you’ll get at least that one hot meal a day.
For 200 USD per year you can help us change the course of a child’s life. We will send you an update about your child at least once a year, and help you exchange letters, photos, organise calls or other ways of staying in touch. Seeing their transformation is truly such a gift!
When the child has successfully graduated through all the levels of primary school, you will be given the option of continuing supporting through secondary school.
Contact us if you want to become a sponsor or if you have any questions about our sponsorship program.
Instead of sponsoring a child’s education you can support the village, both grownups and children, with food, medicine and other necessities.
Occasionally livestock are taken by wild animals, people get sick from malaria and other illnesses and accidents happen. Donate 20 USD per month, or any amount you prefer, and help us provide the people in the village with food and health security and a thus more predictable everyday life. Support us through a one-time amount or set up a montly donation by clicking the button below. Any contribution makes a difference!
Feel free to contact us for other payment options or questions about our sponsorship program.
Our Olonyori Maasai guesthouse is the heart of this project. It lives a rough life, with yearly heavy rains eroding its clay walls, termites periodically declaring war on its wooden structure and the clay floor getting worn down by use.
Donate any amount you want to help us maintain and develop our action centre, be it drilling a well, repairing the kitchen roof or solar system or whatever other challenges we might face. Support us through a one-time amount or set up a montly donation by clicking the button below. Any contribution makes a difference!
Feel free to contact us for other payment options or questions about our sponsorship program.